• ECV-180M

  • * The energy-saving nozzle technology can achieve high suction rates while minimizing compressed air consumption.
    *Miniaturized, lightweight and can be installed directly on the gripping system.
    * Single L-shaped bracket, integrated slide installation, central gas supply.
    * ECV-180M-S effectively reduces noise with a minimum noise weight of 60 [db(a)].

    Contact: +491727628103

  • Introduce
  • Design
  • Parameter
    The energy-saving nozzle technology can achieve high suction rates while minimizing compressed air consumption.
    Miniaturized, lightweight and can be installed directly on the gripping system.
    Single L-shaped bracket, integrated slide installation, central gas supply.
    ECV-180M-S effectively reduces noise with a minimum noise weight of 60 [db(a)].
    Ordering no

    Technical data


    Design data


    Technical parameters of solenoid valve

    Technical parameters of the pressure switch


    Color scheme for printing

    Pneumatic diagram
